The Traveller’s Insurance Checklist & Buyer’s Guide 

Your trip is booked and all your reservations are made. The next thing on your ‘to do’ list before you head off on that much deserved holiday is: Buy travel insurance. No doubt you have many questions that need answers before you can decide which travel insurance company best meets your needs - questions such as: 

  • What should travel insurance cover?
  • How much should I be paying?
  • Is there usually a deductible?

Traveler's Insurance Checklist & Buyer's Guide

Buying travel health insurance can be a complex task. There are so many different plans - each with different benefits and restrictions. It is important to shop wisely for trip insurance. Many people buy coverage that seems inexpensive only to find out that they are not adequately covered when a medical emergency occurs. 

You will be able to wade through the many different travel insurance plans offered and find the most suitable package for you and your family by asking insurance companies the following pertinent questions: 

Questions to ask about travel insurance:

  • What is covered in the plan?
  • What is not covered in the plan?
  • Is there a deductible that must be paid for each claim?
  • Does the plan deny benefits for a pre-existing condition?
  • If not, how much more will it cost to cover a pre-existing condition?
  • Are there any exclusions pertaining to sports or other activities?
  • Is every member of my family covered?
  • What is the average time frame for a claim to be paid?

These questions will help you cover all the important bases while shopping for travel insurance. They can prevent unpleasant surprises such as having to pay for unforeseeable circumstances once your claim is reviewed. 

Make sure you understand exactly what your trip insurance plan covers. When in doubt, call your insurer. A reputable insurance company can give you straight answers to your questions. Most offer toll free numbers so you can call them directly from wherever you are. 

If you find that a plan has too many restrictions and complications, or that your questions are not being answered satisfactorily, do not hesitate to look somewhere else. 

A comprehensive travel health insurance plan usually covers the following emergency medical expenses:

  • Hospital accommodations
  • Medical bills such as those for a physician, surgeon, and anaesthetist
  • Ambulances
  • Diagnostic services such as laboratory tests and x-rays
  • Private registered nurses
  • Medical aids such as slings or splints, and the temporary rental of wheelchairs or walkers
  • Prescription drugs
  • Cost of returning a deceased back home

Remember that when it comes to insurance, you get what you pay for. When shopping around for trip insurance, it is important to keep in mind that not all insurance policies are alike. Be aware of minor price variations between insurance companies (the cheapest may not be the best company to deal with when you have a claim.) 

Many travellers neglect to buy travel insurance because shopping around for the perfect plan can be stressful. However, their stress level would likely double should any unfortunate event occur during their trip. Why take the risk? Travel insurance can take care of you and your family while you have the vacation of your dreams. 

For further information, visit our sections below. 

Travel Insurance Myths

Travel Medical Insurance Tips

About the Author 

Johnny Mangiante is an online journalist. He is also the editor and webmaster for many websites. For more information on Travel Medical Insurance for Visitors to Canada see his website

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