Traveling in Canada with a Baby 

Most parents dread traveling with a baby, in Canada or anywhere else, for fear that it will be a complete disaster, from start to finish. The best way to avoid frustration and ensure that your trip runs as smoothly as possible is to be prepared. 

Travelling in Canada with a Baby

Tips on Flying with a Baby 

Today, much travel is done by air, a convenient and comfortable way to travel solo with your baby. There are a number of things to remember, so make a list and be organized. 

Get a flight tag to attach to the baby stroller so you can leave it with an attendant before boarding the plane, and you can pick it up at the end of the flight. Trust me; you will have enough to carry with you to your seat! 

Just like adults, babies are bothered by the change in cabin pressure during take-off and landing. One way to ease the pressure is to give the baby a bottle or pacifier since the swallowing will help their ears pop. 

Packing your Carry-on 

When traveling with a baby, in Canada or elsewhere, make sure your carry-on bag fits under your seat since getting up and down to reach the overhead compartment would be inconvenient for you and bothersome for the passengers. It is also important to check your airline’s carry-on regulations and restrictions in order to avoid being forced to leave anything behind. 

You should pack enough diapers and wipes for the flight, together with plastic bags to dispose of them. A change of clothes for both you and the baby is a good idea in case of an unexpected mess. An extra pacifier may come in handy, as well as a favourite blanket from home. 

Long Flight? No Problem. 

Ideally, some babies will sleep during the flight, but it is not always possible to schedule your travel time with their naptime, so if your baby is awake, there are a few things you can to do to keep them engaged and entertained. 

Pack your baby’s favourite book and some new books as well, a treasured stuffed animal or toy, and a teething ring if they are at that stage. 

You can distract and amuse your baby by carrying him or her up and down the aisle several times during the flight. 

Babies usually quiet down when they are being fed. The easiest way is to bottle-feed, but if you are breast-feeding, try to secure a window seat to maximize your privacy and to avoid potential uneasiness in the passengers. 

When you are traveling with a baby, try and relax, and your little one will be inclined to do the same. Enjoy your trip!

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